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Calling All Vendors – Holiday Vendor Fair – St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish

Calling All Vendors – Holiday Vendor Fair

Calling All Vendors!

Join Our 14th Annual WIN Vendor Fair
Sunday, November 24, 11am to 3pm
SMMA Parish Center and Cafeteria
$45.00 per space (Limit 2) – Set-up 9am

Do you have a home-based business you would like to share with the public?
We are planning a Vendor Fair to help you do just that. We provide the venue, a table for your use and the advertising. You rent a space and sell your products!

The $45.00 space rental includes a table (3 x 8′) and 2 chairs with a limit of two spaces per business.
• Space
rental will be limited to one representative per company and will be on a “first-come first-served”  basis.
Registration forms – email  Beth Vordtriede at dbvordtriede@charter.net