The secret of our parish’s life and the font of our ministry lie hidden in the Eucharistic Adoration chapel, where the Heart of Jesus, veiled as bread and wine, burns with love from the center of our campus and the highest point in Oakville. Our parish is blessed to offer an around-the-clock adoration chapel, open each week from 12:30pm on Sunday until 7am on Saturday.

Throughout the days and nights of each week, our parishioners pray before the Blessed Sacrament, in imitation of our patroness and in reparation to the Heart of Jesus. There, our parish family offers God unceasing adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and praise. Is God calling you to keep watch with Him one hour, on behalf of our local community and the Body of Christ? Come, let us adore the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Interested souls should visit our adoration chapel website to sign-up for a regular commitment or join our sub list.

I could have spent whole days and nights there, without eating or drinking, and without knowing what I was doing, except that I was being consumed in His presence like a burning taper, in order to return Him love for love.
— St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in His peace.
— Antiphon from Night Prayer, Liturgy of the Hours