Living in the Heart of Jesus Connect with People Who Share Your Interests

What do you enjoy doing? Scouting, sports, quilting, prayer groups or maybe something else? One of the best things about SMMA is that there’s something for everyone here. Take a look at our social ministries to find like-minded people who share your interests. It’s a great way to have fun, build relationships and grow in faith.

Achieving Christ in Our Neighborhood (ACTION)
ACTION is an organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Developmentally Disabled adults, (age 18+) and their caregivers through monthly activities at the Church. This social program is supported by the parish and volunteers with the mission to serve as the heart and hands of Christ. A group of volunteers holds monthly themed events with lunch for the participants, their parents and caregivers. Attendees participate in fun activities while parents and caregivers share ideas and offer support to each other. Contact Judy Burns, (314) 892-5522, or Judy Ryan, (314) 892-6329,

Athletic Association
The Athletic Association offers parishioners of all ages the opportunity to compete in a faith-based environment. Programs include baseball, softball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, golf, lacrosse and track. Volunteers from the parish run the organization and volunteer as coaches. Supported by funding from the Calendar Raffle, the Athletic Association offers four scholarships each year to graduating students who have participated in sports. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month, 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. 

Contact: Daniel Volansky, (314) 550-2056, or Joe Schneider, (314) 313-4569, Field Conditions – Rainout Line

Auction Committee
The SMMA Auction committee organizes an in-person or online auction every year as a major fundraiser for the parish. We hope to inspire the financial generosity and spirit of community in all parishioners. The committee is always looking for new volunteers and ideas regarding administration, communication, data entry, solicitations, and pickup of items. During in-person auction years, additional support is needed for parish center setup, live auction support and clean-up. Contact: Jessica Talleur,  

Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is a men’s spiritual, service, and fraternal organization. The society sponsors several prayer events for its members, including two annual White House Retreats and a Communion Breakfast. It also sponsors the first Friday fish fries (September-Lent) and the Lenten fish fries to support the Pro-Life committee and the SMMA St. Vincent
de Paul Society, respectively.

Together with other parish organizations, the Holy Name Society financially sponsors Bibles for our 6th graders, the religious formation of parish members, Eagle Scout projects, as well as many other worthwhile causes.

Social events include the Father-Son Christmas Party, Father-Daughter Valentine’s Dance, and the Grizzlies baseball game. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month, 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria immediately following a rosary recitation & Mass at 6:45 p.m. Mass in church.

Contact: Mike Folk,

Home & School Association
Open to all parents of students in St. Margaret Mary Alacoque School, the HSA strives to promote unity and communication between home and school with a focus on faith development and religious growth. In addition, the organization supports SMMA School through hospitality, fundraising, social events, and volunteer activities. Meetings are announced in the school newsletter. Contact: Peggy Visconti, (314) 487-1666, Ext. 214,

Knights of Columbus Council 14719
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s organization dedicated to Christian unity, fraternity, charity, and patriotism. We are guided by our belief in God and the Catholic Church, but also have a great belief in each other
and in ourselves. We believe that a man is defined by his actions as a follower of God and as a leader in his community. 

We sponsor a number of activities, including the annual golf tournament, the National MR (Tootsie Roll) Drive, a Christmas Raffle, Free Family Night, Grade School Soccer Challenge and Free-Throw Contest, and St. Patrick’s Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner. These events allow us to provide direct financial support to the SMMA Tuition Fund & OASIS Program, Vocation Scholarship, SMMA Youth Ministry and SMMA ACTION Group, and many other charitable undertakings.

We are looking for the next generation of Knights: men of character and conviction who are driven by both faith and conscience 
to do truly meaningful works. Join the Knights to enhance your family life, serve your community, strengthen your faith, and enjoy the satisfaction. We are open to Catholic men 18 years of age and older. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria.

Additional information is available at the Knight’s Website or email

Contact: John Dempsey, (314) 845-0088, or

Parents of Preschoolers & Younger (POPY)
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque’s group of Parents of Preschool and Younger (POPY) gathers monthly to welcome, connect and build a community with other like-minded parents through playdates, socials and opportunities for sharing. We work to support each other and inspire the next generation to live out our Catholic faith. Contact: Victoria Raithel,

SMMA Outdoor Pickleball Club is a fun-loving, church group of parishioners designed for players of all skill levels to engage in athletic competition and friendship. We play on lit courts on the SMMA playground, 3 days a week, for as many months as weather permits. Club Leaders: Joanne and Phil Giljum,

Picnic Committee
The Annual Parish Picnic and Alumni Night seeks to welcome all to gather in community as we celebrate as a Parish family. Our Parish Picnic is the first Saturday in June and the Alumni/Adult Night is the Friday night before Picnic Day. Our committee plans, coordinates and operates both events. We start meeting in January monthly until Picnic Day.Contact: Jill Vaughn, (314) 420-5174,  

Prayer Chain
We invite you to join us in praying for the needs of our parish, family, friends, community and beyond. If you’d like to participate, sign up to receive daily emails that include prayer requests. Prayer is powerful! Contact: BettyAnn Henn, (314) 605-9420,

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you enjoy knitting and/or crochet? Your talent is needed to help comfort those who are experiencing the difficulties of illness or loss. Through this ministry, your creations become a visible sign of God’s love for us; a gift from the heart to nourish the spirit. Contact: Betsy Wyrsch, (314) 842-4224.

We are a community of stitchers who create beautiful quilts, using our time, talent and treasure to support our parish through our raffle and sales. We welcome creative stitchers of all types: embroidery, crochet, knitting, piecing and quilting who want to share in our productive fellowship. This is a fun group and we would like you to check us out. We meet on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and/or Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until noon. Some quilters also work on projects independently at home. For more information, contact Susan Furrer, (314) 379-4384 or Marilyn Dudenhoeffer, (314) 200-8402

SMMA participates in a well-established scouting program. Details of each program can be obtained by calling the contact person for that level.

Boy Scouts
The Boy Scout Program fosters a belief in God while learning new skills through camping, hiking, backpacking, water activities, community
and church service. During the 58 years of Troop 671’s existence, with over 1,700 young men participating, we have been very active with campouts, hikes, trips, and service. Dedicated leaders emphasize the aims of scouting: promoting character, fitness, and citizenship, and developing leadership in our youth. Boys ages 10 1⁄2-18 welcome. Meetings are every Sunday, 6:30 p.m. in the Scout Room. Contact: Paul Giljum, (314) 892-2926,

Cub Scouts
Empowering young minds with skills for life, our Cub Scout Pack is dedicated to fostering character, leadership, and camaraderie through engaging activities, service to our community, and outdoor adventures. Together, we embark on a journey of growth, curiosity, and fun, instilling values that shape confident, responsible citizens of tomorrow. Our Cub Scout program is for boys in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The Cub Scouts help to foster belief in God, while the scouts learn new skills, working individually as well as with others. Contact: Tim Crawford, (314) 799-4488 or Christine Figge, (314) 323-5185, or email

Girl Scouts
Our Girl Scout program includes girls from kindergarten through 8th grade. A girl may join at any level and participate in age-specific developmental activities. Note: Interested high school girls should call for additional information. Contact: Jenny Holcomb, 314 681-2839,

American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls is a faith-based girls’ program for ages 5
– 18. “Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country” is AHG’s mission. Girls participate in many fun and fulfilling activities in efforts to fulfill their mission. Contact: Brad Downen, (314) 220-3488 or Tiffany Hunt, (314) 960-6115 or email

Welcome Committee
The Welcome Committee of SMMA is a group of volunteers who provide a personal invitation to newly registered parishioners to become involved in our parish family. These friendly individuals provide information and create a welcoming atmosphere through a personal phone call and a hand delivered welcome packet. Contact: Jo Ann Hasty, (314) 952-0581,

Widows & Widowers
In faith we come together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to offer support, fellowship and socialization for men and women who share the personal loss of a spouse. A committee plans 5 events a year which are held on the second Tuesday of the month. All information will be posted in the bulletin. Contact: Dee Wirtz, (314) 894-0393,   

Women’s Inspirational Network  (WIN)
The Women’s Inspirational Network invites women of all ages to grow in faith, create and strengthen friendships with other Catholic Women in a lively and engaging environment. Our monthly WINe Down Wednesday gatherings include spiritual, social and service aspects designed to address and support timely and diverse topics. Leadership team: Joanne Giljum, Christ Brust, Cathay Paruch, Kathy Sartori, Ann Touzinsky and Janice Dempsey. Email