Serving in the Heart of Jesus

Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)
The Annual Catholic Appeal is the annual effort of the Catholic community to respond to the Gospel challenge of Jesus Christ to love one another, by reflecting on God’s blessings in our lives and sharing them for the educational, pastoral and charitable programs and ministries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Volunteers assist in the promotion and coordination of the campaign at the Parish level including the collection and processing of donations pledged in the support of the ACA and follow up thereafter. Contact: Jeff & Donna Reitz, (314) 302-1260, jdaareitz@att.nett

Annulment Process
Anyone needing information on the annulment process, please feel free to contact Deacon Bob Orr. Contact: Deacon Bob Orr, (314) 397-3597,

Blood Drive
The Parish-sponsored blood drives offer an opportunity to give life three times a year. Volunteers are needed to administer the drive and provide snacks.

Contact: Kathy Trokey, (314) 570-7179,

Divorced Family Outreach
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Queen of All Saints, and Mary, Mother of the Church are working together to provide year round emotional and spiritual support.

Contact: Deacon Bob Orr, (314) 397-3597,

Finance Committee
This committee is made up of parishioners selected by the pastor to assist and advise on the financial matters of the parish. Many of the members have a financial/accounting/auditing background or some other professional business experience. Meetings are quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Contact: Tom Holcomb, (314) 894-9833,

Fish Fry Helpers
If you have Friday, late afternoons and/or early evenings free, the Fish Fry is the place to be… serving food and beverages, working the drive-thru or carry-out stations, and clean-up. SMMA has a fish fry every First Friday, September-Lent, and every Friday during Lent.

Contact: Deacon Andy Daus, (314) 487-8092.

Garden Angels
We help to keep the parish grounds welcoming and beautiful by: planting, watering, fertilizing, pruning, weeding, mulching, raking, and generally maintaining the green areas in front of the church, around the school, gym, and parish center. Take a look around and see if there is an area where you, your family, parish organization, Scout Troop, or classroom, perhaps overseen by a room mother, could spend a little time “Gardening for God” and contact us. Contact:  Dan Schoen, Maintenance Coordinator, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 211,

Helping to Feed the Homeless
A desire of our parish is to help feed those who are homeless and hungry. Give them, through our hands, this day our daily bread; and by our understanding of love, give peace and joy. You can help by baking a breakfast casserole (pan is provided), freeze it and bring it to our church foyer on the last Saturday of the month, between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. At that time, you will take a new pan for the next month. The pan, recipe,dates and full instructions will be provided. The casseroles are then packaged and taken to St. Patrick Center. Contact: Janice Furrer at (314) 799-3608.

Hospital Cards
This group of volunteers provides prayerful support to hospitalized parishioners by sending spiritually-uplifting cards. Contact: Dawn Edwards, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 201,

Mailing Group
This group of dedicated volunteers gathers periodically as the need arises to process bulk mailings for the parish. Members enjoy fellowship as they copy, fold, sort, stuff, and stamp a variety of materials. Contact: Judy Huber, (314) 910-1248,

In performing one of the corporal works of mercy, SMMA Marthas will offer to prepare a meal for the family of the deceased. This meal is scheduled through the Parish Office (487-2522, Ext. 201) at the time funeral arrangements are made. Our name is taken from Luke 10:38 and John 12:2 in which Martha prepared and served a meal for Jesus and all present. To volunteer as a Martha, contact Parish Secretary, Dawn Edwards, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 201, email

Meal A Month
This ministry is a monthly food collection that goes to help those in need. Donations are given to Feed My People. The yellow bag will be in the church lobby on the 2nd Sunday of the Month. Please return it the following Sunday in the church lobby to be picked up. See the bulletin for the suggested meal plan that month. Cash donations are also accepted. Place in the mailbox in the church foyer. Contact: Bill Berkbigler, (314) 894-3649.

Needs & Services
In service to our parish family, the Needs & Services ministry provides assistance to parishioners who need transportation, Communion to the homebound, home maintenance and caregiver relief/meals. Our target audience is any parishioner with needs. Contact: Chris Konkel, (314) 602-1088,; or Deacon Bob Orr, (314) 397-3597,

Communion to the Homebound: This group of dedicated volunteers, commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers, brings Communion to the sick and homebound, requiring one hour per week or less, as needed. Contact: John Garavaglia III, (314) 892-9107 or

Home Repair/Maintenance: These volunteers perform inspections, minor repairs, and make referrals.

Caregiver Relief & Meals: These parishioners provide meals for community members and/or family members who have experienced a death, hospitalization, or serious illness. Our volunteers also provide respite care for your loved one so you can take a break to visit others, go to the gym, Mass, run errands, or go to appointments.  

Transportation: This group provides rides to those who cannot drive, e.g., to Mass, to the doctor or dentist, or to the store.

Parish Council
This twelve-member council, a representative body chosen in accordance with the biblical selection of St. Matthias, works in cooperation with the Pastor and fellow parishioners to set policy and establish goals, objectives, and action plans to carry out the mission of the Church. Four new members are selected each year to serve three-year terms. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. in the Teachers’ Lounge. No meetings in July and August. Contact: Jeff Kohler,

The Reachout Ministry serves those in need, through donations from our parish family, by providing food, clothing, money and household items to Feed my People and St. Anthony of Padua. Collections are six times a year, the third weekend of the month and will be announced in advance through the parish bulletin. In addition to material donations, cash donations are also gratefully accepted. Parishioners are encouraged to place cash donations in the mailbox marked REACHOUT, in the church foyer. These donations are channeled directly to our recipient organizations. In addition, non-perishable food items are always needed to help stock their food pantries. For more information or to volunteer, contact Rick Kottemann, (314) 575-0032,  

Respect Life Committee
Rooted in the love of all human life from conception to natural death in keeping with the law of God, we commit ourselves as the Pro-Life Committee of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque parish to prayer, physical and financial assistance where there is a need to help save lives with particular focus on those issues in the culture that threaten life – abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and unethical advances in scientific technology. The SMMA Respect Life Committee meets on the third Monday of the month. All pro-life parishioners are welcome. Contact: Ray Kalbac, (314) 461-2367, 

Saint Vincent De Paul Society
This organization is dedicated to helping Neighbors in Need who reside within our parish boundaries. This includes assisting with rent, utilities, food, medicine, auto repairs and more.

The St. Vincent De Paul Society is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to those who are less fortunate.  Vincentians recognize the dignity of our Neighbors in Need, and we see the face of Christ in their face as we serve them.

Our main source of income is from 5th Sunday parish collections, donations from parishioners and from the Holy Name Society. Meetings are on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Contact: Parish Secretary (314) 487-2522, Ext. 398. Please leave a message and someone will return your call.

School Board

This Board serves as an advisory committee to the pastor and principal on matters of policy concerning educational programs, facilities, finance, discipline, and extracurricular activities. In addition to the pastor and principal, the School Board consists of nine parishioners all of whom serve a three-year term. Three members are voted in each year in the Spring election. The meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month during the school year. Contact: Peggy Visconti, (314) 487-1666, Ext. 214.

Stewardship Committee
We joyfully gather as a committee to be guided by the Holy Spirit to support our parish mission. We brainstorm, develop and strategize ways to help ministries and parishioners recognize their gifts are from God and encourage them to use their gifts to glorify God and build up His kingdom. Some fruits of our gatherings are Catholicism Uncorked and the Stewardship Newsletter. The committee is open to new membership. Contact: Beth Vordtriede, (314) 306-5896.

Weekends for the Engaged
For engaged couples who select a parish-based preparation program, we provide a weekend format to explore the program “Beloved.” The weekends are offered every four months and are facilitated by host couples. Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222.

Youth Ministry
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Youth Ministry strives to guide our young Catholics towards the WAY of TRUTH by providing opportunities to develop and dedicate their thoughts, words and actions to living the LIFE of Christ.

Middle schoolers, high schoolers and young adults are invited to grow in their faith as a community through many and varied opportunities and events throughout the year. Along with weekly youth group programming, we participate in the Steubenville Youth Conference, annual fall retreat, quarterly XLTs, Luke 18 Youth Retreat, plus much more.

Middle School Ministry (6th, 7th & 8th Graders): Two Mondays a month at 7:15-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Room during the school year, supplemented by summer activities.

High School Ministry (9th–12th Graders): Every Sunday 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Room, supplemented by weekly activities.
If you are a young adult and feel called to serve in ministry with the youth, please contact our SMMA Youth Ministry Team. Adult volunteers are needed for regular programming and special events throughout the year. Contact (314) 487-2522, Ext. 229 or Follow us on Instagram @smma_ym.