Learning in the Heart of Jesus

Adult Education and Faith Formation
Faith formation is a life-long process so we need to attend to it throughout our entire life. At the parish level, we offer a few things on a regular basis and special things to address needs or interests as they arise. Each Fall and Spring we offer a 6 week, small group discussion series. These are promoted by the Archdiocese and are usually Scripture based.

Bible Study
Our parish participates in the Archdiocesan sponsored adult-ed series offered each Fall and Spring. The sessions are usually scripture-based and the 6-week small group formats take place in parishioners’ homes or at the parish. Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222, .

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
During the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, children in grades K-4 are invited to leave the church with a team of volunteers to go over to the school foyer where Scriptures are proclaimed from the Children’s Lectionary. The team then provides a reflection experience after which the children pray the Apostles’ Creed and Petitions. The children return to church during the offertory. The program runs during the academic year, and there is no fee or registration for children to participate. Four teams of parishioners rotate through the weekends of each month to provide the formational experience. Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222,

Elementary School Program – Grades K-8
The School is a Christ-Centered, Family-Sensitive setting that provides a top-tier Catholic education for the children of our parish and surrounding community. We are proud to prepare students in faith, with knowledge, through leadership and service to become prepared for a life of discipleship. Our commitment is best expressed by the message that greets our families as they enter the school building: Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school, the unseen, but ever-present teacher in its classes, the model of its faculty, the inspiration of its students. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Elementary School is accredited by the Missouri Non-Public School Accrediting Association and is a member of the National Catholic Education Association. Additional information is available at the School Website. Contact: Peggy Visconti, (314) 487-1666, Ext. 214, 
FORMED is a revolutionary digital platform that gives our parish unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. All parishioners are eligible to receive a FREE subscription. Simply log onto and register as a member of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish. Free subscriptions are for parishioners only and have been provided through the generosity of parish organizations.

Legion of Mary 
The Legion of Mary maintains a spiritual reading library near the Adoration Chapel in the back of the church. These materials are available to all free of charge. There is also a pamphlet rack in the back of church featuring moderately priced materials appropriate to each season.

We are partnering with Lighthouse Catholic Media to bring their faith-raiser program to you and your family.  In the display located in the church lobby, you will find moderately priced CDs, books, booklets, and pamphlets by prominent Catholic speakers and writers.   (Examples include Dr. Scott Hahn, Matthew Kelly, Fr. Robert Barron, Blessed Mother Teresa, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, etc.)  These materials are very effective tools for both evangelization and catechesis.  Titles rotate often, so be sure to check the display frequently.

We are always open to suggestions. If you’re interested in something relative to faith or morals, we would like to help you find a way to explore it! Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222,

Natural Family Planning Classes
The Natural Family Planning (NFP) ministry aims to help married couples to deepen their conjugal love. Practical help in learning NFP and pastoral care helps to instill conviction and how to live out their parenthood in a responsible way. Contact: Mary Lee Barron PhD, RN, FNP-BC(R),

Parish School of Religion (PSR) – Grades 1 – 8
The PSR Program provides religious instruction for students in grades 1-8 who do not otherwise receive formal religion classes. The program runs from September through May and meets on Monday evenings, 6:00-7:15 p.m. Registrations are taken in May for those returning and in August for new participants. Mid-year registrations are handled individually by the Director of Religious Education. Additional information is available at the  PSR website. Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222,

Preschool Program
The Preschool provides a loving Christian environment that helps three, four and five year old students grow intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and socially. This program is open to all families in our neighborhood and operates under the direction of the SMMA School Principal. The Preschool operates in line with the day school calendar (mid-August through May). Morning, afternoon and full day sessions are available throughout the week. Contact: Peggy Visconti, (314) 487-1666, Ext. 214,

Respect Life Committee
Rooted in the love of all human life from conception to natural death in keeping with the law of God, we commit ourselves as the Pro-Life Committee of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque parish to prayer, physical and financial assistance where there is a need to help save lives with particular focus on those issues in the culture that threaten life – abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and unethical advances in scientific technology. The SMMA Respect Life Committee meets on the third Monday of the month. All pro-life parishioners are welcome. Contact: Ray Kalbac, (314) 461-2367,

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
OCIA is a four-stage process for adults wanting to profess the Catholic faith. The program cycles in conjunction with the liturgical calendar and culminates with Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Inquiries about the program are always welcome. If you know anyone who may be interested, invite them! Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222,

Stewardship Committee
We joyfully gather as a committee to be guided by the Holy Spirit to support our parish mission. We brainstorm, develop and strategize ways to help ministries and parishioners recognize their gifts are from God and encourage them to use their gifts to glorify God and build up His kingdom. Some fruits of our gatherings are Catholicism Uncorked and the Stewardship Newsletter. The committee is open to new membership. Contact: Beth Vordtriede, (314) 306-5896.

Weekends for the Engaged
For engaged couples who select a parish-based preparation program, we provide a weekend format to explore the program “Beloved.” The weekends are offered every four months and are facilitated by host couples. Contact: Paul Cooper, (314) 487-2522, Ext. 222,

Youth Ministry
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque’s Youth Ministry strives to guide our young Catholics towards the WAY of TRUTH by providing opportunities to develop and dedicate their thoughts, words and actions to living the LIFE of Christ.

Middle schoolers, high schoolers and young adults are invited to grow in their faith as a community through many and varied opportunities and events throughout the year. Along with weekly youth group programming, we participate in the Steubenville Youth Conference, annual fall retreat, quarterly XLTs, Luke 18 Youth Retreat, plus much more.

Middle School Ministry (6th, 7th & 8th Graders): Two Mondays a month at 7:15-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Room during the school year, supplemented by summer activities.

High School Ministry (9th–12th Graders): Every Sunday 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Room, supplemented by weekly activities.

If you are a young adult and feel called to serve in ministry with the youth, please contact our SMMA Youth Ministry Team. Adult volunteers are needed for regular programming and special events throughout the year. Contact (314) 487-2522, Ext. 229 or Follow us on Instagram @smma_ym.