Teachers, along with the Director of Religious Education, provide our students opportunities to participate in service projects so our faith is put into action. An important part of our Catholic Identity at SMMA is witnessing virtues in our world. Our students assist with a bowling program in conjunction with the Special Olympics, make sandwiches for a local homeless shelter, hold canned food drives, and are encouraged to earn a Christian Service Award recognition annually for 40 or more hours of volunteer service.

Saint Families
Throughout the school year students meet in small groups called Saint Families. These mixed age level groups of Kindergarten through 8th grade students are led by a faculty member to learn about saints and practicing virtues. This gives our students opportunities for growing together as a community and bonding across grade levels.

Liturgy and Sacraments
Preparation for Holy Sacraments each year is a joyous time for our faith community. Students baptized in the Catholic Church prepare for and receive Holy Sacraments. Both the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are received in 2nd grade. The Sacrament of Confirmation is received in 8th grade. Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at Mass is integral to the St. Margaret Mary Alacoque School community. Each grade level attends Mass once a week in addition to the all school Mass celebrated with the parish community on Fridays.