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Service Ministries – St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish

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Service Ministries

Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)
The ACA is an annual spring pledge to fund Archdiocesan programs and ministries. Volunteers assist with mailings and may attend periodic meetings, March through May.
Contact: Jeff & Donna Reitz – Call 314 302-1260 – Email Jeff & Donna Reitz

Annulment Process
Anyone needing information on the annulment process, please feel free to contact Deacon Bob Orr. 
Contact: Deacon Bob Orr – Call 314 397-3597 – Email Deacon Bob Orr

Blood Drive
The Parish-sponsored blood drives offer an opportunity to give life three times a year. Volunteers are needed to administer the drive and provide snacks.
Contact: Kathy Trokey – Call 314 570-7179 – Email Kathy Trokey

Divorced Family Outreach
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Queen of All Saints, and Mary, Mother of the Church are working together to provide year around emotional and spiritual support.
Contact: Deacon Bob Orr – Call 314 397-3597 – Email Deacon Bob Orr

Finance Committee
This committee is made up of parishioners selected by the pastor to assist and advise on the financial matters of the parish. Many of the members have a financial/accounting/auditing background or some other professional business experience. Meetings are quarterly in March, June, September, and December.
Contact: Tom Holcomb – Call 314 894-9833 – Email Tom Holcomb 

Fish Fry Helpers
If you have Friday, late afternoons and/or early evenings free, the Fish Fry is the place to be… serving food and beverages, working the drive-thru or carry-out stations, and clean-up. SMMA has a fish fry every First Friday, September-Lent, and every Friday during Lent.
Contact: Deacon Andy Daus – Call 314 487-8092 – Email Deacon Andy Daus 

Garden Angels