ACTS Retreats
An ACTS Retreat is a parish-based event which offers parishioners an opportunity to experience the love of Jesus Christ. This in turn fosters a desire for intentional discipleship. ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for parishioners, and in this way, serve to build Christian community at the parish.
The ACTS Retreat begins Thursday evening and ends with Sunday Mass in the parish. While utilizing prayer, service, and teaching, the ACTS Retreat meets people where they are in their spiritual journey and invites them to experience God in a manner that is both personal and communal. Women and men have separate ACTS retreats once per year.
Mike Woerther – Call 314-537-0087 – Email Mike Woerther or
Angie Louis – Call 314-799-2421 – Email Angie Louis
Acts Retreat FAQ
Acts Contact List
Altar Society
These volunteers care for the altar area and sacristy. Working with a partner, they clean the altar, holy water fonts, and change the altar cloths.
Contact: Laura Trelford – Call 314 809-6354 – Email Laura Trelford
Ambassadors (Greeters)
This group of dedicated individuals greets parishioners and visitors at weekend Masses. This is the perfect opportunity to create a welcoming atmosphere through a warm smile and friendly greeting for those entering our faith community to celebrate the liturgy. Volunteers generally greet one time per month at a weekend Mass.
Contact: JoAnn Hasty – Call 314 952-0581 – Email JoAnn Hasty
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration is prayer time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. We have a beautiful Adoration Chapel and all parishioners are welcome. Two Chapel Administrators who serve a one-year term, along with an Adoration Chapel Committee to assist with various support jobs, are needed to ensure that the schedule runs smoothly for adorers and that the chapel is maintained appropriately. Time specific volunteers are also needed to ensure that someone is present around the clock. You can also substitute for an absent regular adorer as often as your schedule allows. You will find it is a quiet and emotionally rewarding experience that will bring you closer to the Lord.
ALSO “become a sub” or “make a weekly commitment” directly online.
Log on to the sign-up site at :
To learn more, Call Rich Keuss (314) 378-0722, or Jane Keuss (314) 346-0616.
Or, email
Extraordinary Ministers
Volunteers, who are at least 18 years of age, assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion. You will be trained and commissioned for this ministry and assigned approximately 2 Masses per month. Contact: Parish Office – Call 314 487-2522 Ext. 201 – Email Parish Office
Gift Bearers
Gift Bearers are members of the congregation who present the bread and wine to the priest at Mass. Any member/family in the congregation is welcome to volunteer to bring the gifts to the altar by picking up the small statue of the Holy Family that sits on the table with the gifts before Mass begins. The individual/family keeps the statue with them in the pew and places it back on the table when they pick up the gifts for presentation.
The statue works very well for ordinary times, however, if you have a special occasion like an anniversary or special Mass intention an usher can help you reserve the offertory opportunity. Generally speaking, though, it is first-come, first-served.
Lectors are called to proclaim the Word of God in the first and second readings, prayers of the faithful, and end of Mass announcements. At a Mass without music, they may read the Responsorial Psalm. Each lector is generally assigned to one Mass per month. Contact: Parish Office – Call 314 487-2522 Ext. 201 – Email Parish Office
Liturgy Committee
This committee made up of representatives from the Liturgical Ministries, (Choirs, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors), our priests, deacons, and our DRE plans and provides for the spiritual development of each member of the Parish community through the liturgical celebration. All parishioners are welcome to participate in this group. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month, 7:00 p.m. in the Teacher’s Lounge, (no meetings in June and July).
Contact: Parish Office – Call 314 487-2522 Ext. 201 – Email Parish Office
Music Ministry
Our volunteer singing groups praise God and provide leadership to the congregation in their singing of parts of the Mass and hymns. We also sing special music on occasions to inspire and uplift the congregation. Our funeral choir provides an Evangelistic voice to believers and non-believers alike.
Cantor: These individuals sing and lead congregational singing at liturgical celebrations.
Contact: Mike Laubert – Call 314 892-8821 – Email Mike Laubert
Contemporary Choir: This adult choir sings at the 9:30 a.m. Mass, and at other liturgical celebrations. Their focus is on performing various styles of liturgical music including traditional and contemporary music, accompanied by a variety of musical instruments. New singers and musicians are always welcome.
Contact: Sharon Albritton – Call 314 714-0241 – Email Sharon Albritton
Funeral Choir: Also known as the Resurrection Choir, this choir sings the funeral Masses. We meet one-half hour before the Mass begins to warm up and go over the hymns.
Contact: Mike Laubert – Call 314 892-8821 – Email Mike Laubert
Traditional Choir: This choir sings the 4:30 p.m. Mass and other liturgical celebrations using a wide variety of repertoire from Classical to Contemporary music, as well as singing the normal Sunday liturgies. The Traditional Choir practices September through May on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Contact: Mike Laubert – Call 314 892-8821 – Email Mike Laubert
Youth Ministry Praise & Worship Band:
This youth-based musical group comprises singers and musicians, ages 9th-12th grade, performing primarily Contemporary Christian songs, and an occasional traditional hymn, for the 11:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. All talents levels and instrumental abilities are welcome. The band rehearses the last Sunday of every month following the 11:30 a.m. Mass.
Contact: Kara Daman – Email Kara Daman
Parish Missionary Disciples
We are volunteers that evangelize via the Seven Sacraments to our SMMA community. Our mission’s desired result is an SMMA parish community re-awakened and transformed by the person of Jesus Christ and on fire to share the encounter with others so that they too, can be transformed and on fire in the name of Jesus. The Parish Missionary Disciples always welcome new volunteers.
Contact: Al or Beverly Marcus – 314-487-0206 – Email Al or Beverly Marcus
Permanent Diaconate
Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to be a Permanent Deacon for the Catholic Church? Do you have questions that you would like to have answered without any pressure or expected commitment? Our SMMA Deacon Bob Orr would be happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you might have.
Contact: Deacon Orr – 314-397-3597 – Email Deacon Orr
Rosary Recitations
Parishioners lead a daily recitation of the Rosary after 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Altar servers are boys and girls in grades 6-8, who assist the ministers at the altar. After a training program, they are scheduled in advance to serve specific Masses.
Contact: Parish Office – Call 314 487-2522 Ext. 201 – Email Parish Office
Ushers are the first person to be met inside church with a welcoming attitude, setting the tone for worship as they greet everyone with a pleasant smile, and if needed, escort them to their seats. Ushers collect the offertory, assist with the logistics for Holy Communion, which includes providing assistance for those with physical limitations who are not able to come forward for reception of Holy Communion. Ushers hand out bulletins as Mass concludes with a friendly farewell.
Contact: Parish Office – Call 314 487-2522 Ext. 201 – Email Parish Office
Vocation Icon
Parishioners have the opportunity to host the Vocation Icon in their home for a week to pray for vocations to the priesthood, permanent diaconate, and consecrated religious life to heighten awareness of each person’s call to holiness and service. The Vocation Icon will be in the Church foyer on the Vocation table. If the Icon is on the table, it is available to take home for that week. Sign the log in book with your name, phone number, and date taken home. Return the Icon to the stand on the Vocation table.For further information,
Contact: Al & Beverly Marcus – Call 314 487-0206 – Email Al & Beverly Marcus